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The short explanation of this alert was:

Call Premiere Dalton McGuinty now!

Grassy Narrows

First Nations communities like Grassy Narrows and Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug (KI) need your help to send a message to Ontario Premiere Dalton McGuinty. Please take five minutes to call him and ask that he take an important step toward respect for Indigenous land rights by supporting the Grassy Narrows First Nation's call for a moratorium on industrial activity in their traditional territory. It's easy:

  1. Call McGuinty at (416) 325-1941. If you reach a person – ask to speak with Premier McGuinty. They will ask to take a message for you instead. Then tell the secretary (or voicemail):

    "My name is _________, and as a U.S. (or wherever) citizen, I am very concerned about Aboriginal rights in Canada. Premier McGuinty has an opportunity to take an important step toward respect for native land rights in Ontario by supporting the Grassy Narrows First Nation's call for a moratorium on their traditional territory. People around the world are watching as this controversy unfolds."

  2. Let us know you called!
    We want to make sure our First Nations allies Grassy Narrows and KI know how many calls have been made in support of their moratoria. After you call, please fill out the form to the right to let us know you did!

Want to know more about our fight for "Native Rights Now"? Click here.

If you would like to view details on this alert, please visit here.